Our activities


  • Support sicentists and healthcare professionals

    Supporting excellence and scientific progress in the field of fertility preservation is at the heart of the society’s work.Supporting excellence and scientific progress in the field of fertility preservation is at the heart of the society’s work.

  • Encourages research

    the society encourages research activities on fundamtnal, translational and clinical research in the context of fertility preservation.

  • Rewards achievements

    Outstanding scientific achievement is recognized through prizes awarded by the ISFP at its biennial meeting

  • Holds meetings and events

    Every other year, the ISFP holds its official symposium to bring together leading scientists and healthcare professionals and discuss new and exciting developments in fertility preservation.


    The ISFP also collaborates in the organization of various events to showcase outstanding worldwide research and encourages international scientific collaboration.


  • Provides scientific advice

    The society can provide physicians and scientists with independent and objective scientific advice on a wide range of issues. This advice is based on the latest evidence from world experts in the field.

  • Promotes international relations

    The ISFP collaborates with ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) and ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine), as well as special interest groups on fertility preservation.

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